The Peace Corps Journey

A few words to describe the traits needed to make it through the Peace Corps application process...

Motivation  Determination   Patience  Flexibility   Creativity   Persistence  Enthusiasm  Patience   Open-Mindedness   Confidence   Willingness 

Yes, I know that I wrote Patience twice. You REALLY need that.

Our Timeline: 

January-February 2010: Lots of conversations about the Peace Corps, some time spent on the website reading.
January 24, 2010: Registered for a Virtual Info Session run by returned Peace Corps volunteers.
February 10, 2010: Joined the info session. Entered general information on the site to start an application.
February 20, 2010: Started an initial online application.
April 2010: After a brief hiatus, we picked back up working on the application.
May 2010: Momentum built after seeing a post on the Peace Corps website encouraging applicants to apply by July for 2011 slots.
June 2010: Finished our essays, but still lots of questions on the application.
July 1, 2010: All recommendations are in! Submitted final application along with Health Status Review.
July 15, 2010: Received a packet in the mail with *more* paperwork to complete.
July 17, 2010: Got ourselves fingerprinted and mailed back for a background check.
July 29, 2010: Mailed back all remaining paperwork.
August 2, 2010: Visited a “Friends and Family” panel to get tips from others.
August 5, 2010: Justin received his last recommendation, so ready for the *next* phase… phew.
September 1, 2010: Supposed to have our interview. Confusion on the calendar and our recruiter doesn’t show :(
September 7, 2010: Finally have our interview – 3 hours of individual and couples interviews. Phew!
September 10, 2010: Received our nomination! Which now means…. MORE paperwork.
September 27, 2010: Spoke at New York Cares event about my experiences applying for the Peace Corps.
September through November 2010: Medical/Dental Reviews. SO. MUCH. PAPERWORK.
December 2010: Peace Corps has received our medical forms.
January 2011: Received notice that we passed our medical clearance.
February 2011: Received notice that we passed our legal clearance. Now, time to waaaaaaaait.
March 30, 2011: Received an email from the Placement Office requesting an updated resume. That means our paperwork has made its way to the top!
April 3, 2011: Submitted updated resumes. More time to wait.
April 11, 2011: Surprise call from the Placement Office!! A short interview and surprising news that our invitation is IN THE MAIL!
April 14, 2011: We arrive home to a big thick invitation packet :)
April 21, 2011: We accept our invitation.
April 25, 2011: We receive a response to our acceptance, with guess what?? Oh yes. More paperwork.
May 2, 2011: We mail our passport applications (we have to get an official passport in addition to our personal ones).
May 13, 2011: I finish my last freelance job and begin to prepare to pack up our lives for 2 years.
June 30, 2011: Justin's last day of work.
July 1-17, 2011: Justin and I do all the things in New York that we either never did or will really miss - including LOTS of good food.
July 19-August 10, 2011: Justin and I head off for a trip to Thailand, Vietnam, and Scotland. We managed to mostly pack up our apartment before leaving!
August 1, 2011: We receive information about Peace Corps staging  (a 1-day event in Philadelphia before leaving for Morocco) and we contact the travel company to book our transport. It's feeling official!
August 13-September 6, 2011: After 3 days back in NYC, we leave again for a 3-week road trip across the U.S. to spend time with our friends and family.
September 6-11, 2011: A few short and harried days seeing our friends in NYC, saying goodbyes, and frantically finishing packing!
September 12, 2011: We board a train to Philadelphia for a 1-day staging event, followed by a flight to Morocco on September 13. Let the fun begin :)

Places Visited


An unfinished project, now complete!